Calfee was named as one of only 50 midsized law firms delivering superior client service in the 2022 BTI "Midsize Client Service Masters" list. BTI also recognized Calfee in its 2022 "Client Service A-Team" and "Most Improved in Client Service" lists.
The BTI Consulting Group researches and publishes its annual Client Service recognition lists, and it is the only law firm ranking program based on direct, unprompted feedback from corporate legal department decision makers.
BTI's 2022 survey results identified 650 core law firms that serve large/Fortune 1000 corporate clients with $700+ million in revenue. The 50 firms named to the Midsize Masters list represent "the upper echelons of client service – delivering impressive performance belying their size."
According to BTI's research, client service delivery among law firms soared during the pandemic but showed significant drops last year by the majority of law firms.
Per BTI's 2022 reported research results, 650 core law firms serve large and Fortune 1000 clients. Among those 650 firms, a total of 281 were cited by name by legal decision maker clients as outperforming all other firms in client service this past year, and 50 of those firms were categorized as being midsized firms. Additionally, of the 281 firms recognized, 59 firms showed greater improvements in client service performance than all others.
Calfee is proud to be recognized for continued, year-over-year improvements in its delivery of client service to clients, especially in a narrowing field of exceptional law firms.
The BTI Client Service lists are the only source for measuring the level of client service solely from corporate legal clients' perspective, drawing on data collected in BTI’s ongoing annual survey of general counsel, which includes 50% – 55% of companies that participated in prior years. This approach provides for accurate analysis of trends in the legal market gained through 350+ in-depth telephone interviews with the highest-ranking legal decision makers at organizations with $700+ million in revenue. BTI's Annual Survey of General Counsel is in its 21st year of publishing legal industry results.
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Susan M. Kurz
Chief Marketing & Client Development Officer
216.622.8346 (office)
513.502.8950 (mobile)
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