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Our Energy and Utilities group has grown from a go-to counsel in Ohio to a valued provider of energy industry legal services throughout the Midwest. We have successfully resolved many of Ohio’s most significant utility cases and have added to that foundation by expanding our services footprint to include Indiana and Illinois, and beyond. With virtual hearings becoming the norm, we are no longer constrained by state lines, which allows us to actively participate before several state commissions. The experience Calfee’s team brings to a utility matter is considered to be unmatched by our clients and includes decades of in-the-trenches litigation and negotiation experience. There is a reason our clients have trusted us with their multi-billion-dollar regulatory litigation.

We understand that the ability to negotiate and bring people together, with a deep understanding of policy objectives and political limitations, is an essential skill in the regulatory world. Public utility proceedings are unique in that they involve all of the issues of traditional litigation – demanding counsel with experience in litigating major cases and deep subject-matter knowledge – while also requiring a host of interactions with governmental authorities and an appreciation for policy-driven outcomes. Indeed, utilities must be conscious of the potential impact litigation may have on commission staff, local governments, and potential legislative involvement. Calfee’s knowledge and expertise in this area allow us to be a full-service provider, structured and operated in a manner that recognizes that utility issues significantly impact the public and, therefore, have fundamental governmental implications.

Our state regulatory clients include some of the nation’s largest electric utilities, an independent transmission company, and Ohio’s largest municipal electric utility, as well as investor-owned and municipal water and sewer utilities, natural gas distribution utilities, local telephone and cellular telecommunications carriers, brokers, and select industrial customers.

We represent clients before state utility commissions in rate proceedings, territory expansion, rulemaking and complaint proceedings, merger approvals, and restructuring proceedings, among others. We represent interested parties before the Ohio Power Siting Board in facility siting reviews.


Chambers USA Leading Law Firm Rankings 

Calfee has been recognized by Chambers USA as a Leading Law Firm in Energy & Natural Resources in Band 1 in both Indiana and Ohio (2023-2024).

Clients interviewed by Chambers USA researchers stated, "Calfee always has someone available to provide solutions for complex and nuanced regulatory cases. Calfee has a good grasp of the industry and emergent issues."

The following Energy and Utilities attorneys are ranked by Chambers USA 2024:

  • Phillip A. Casey – Energy & Natural Resources, Band 1: Indiana
  • James C. Holsclaw – Energy & Natural Resources, Band 2: Indiana
  • James F. Lang – Energy & Natural Resources, Band 1: Ohio

Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” Rankings

Calfee was selected for inclusion in the 2025 "Best Law Firms" rankings in Energy Law (National Tier 3, Regional Tier 1 Cleveland, Regional Tier 2 Columbus, Regional Tier 2 Indianapolis) and Energy Regulatory Law (Regional Tier 1 Cleveland).




  • Serve as lead Indiana regulatory counsel for a publicly traded, Fortune 50 technology company in a proceeding initiated by a large, regulated utility company for approval of a data center tariff. (2024). Achieved uncontested settlement with all parties in the matter. (2025)
  • Serve as lead outside counsel responsible for providing strategy on state regulatory matters to our client, an energy recycling services provider. Provide legal and regulatory strategy advice on power procurement processes and rate case matters for the client on an ongoing basis. (2024)
  • Serve as lead Ohio regulatory counsel for a publicly traded, Fortune 50 technology company in a proceeding initiated by a large regulated utility company for approval of a data center tariff. (2024)
  • Represent one of the largest universities in the region before the Ohio Power Siting Board (PSB) to obtain approval for a combined heat and power generating facility on the campus to provide electric power, steam, and chilled water to campus buildings. Since the approval by the PSB in 2020, Calfee has continued to work with PSB Staff on construction progress and satisfaction of PSB conditions. (2024)
  • Serve as lead Ohio regulatory counsel for a governmental energy aggregator client in a proceeding initiated by a natural gas distribution company for approval of a rate increase in a PUCO case. (2024)
  • Serve as lead Ohio regulatory counsel responsible for energy supply questions associated with a Purchase and Sale and Submetering Agreement in which Calfee's client, a leading technology infrastructure company, is the purchaser. (2024)
  • Serve as lead Ohio regulatory counsel for a large public university in a proceeding initiated by a leading energy company for approval of a gas pipeline extension in an Ohio Power Siting Board (PSB) case. (2024)
  • Calfee serves as lead Ohio regulatory counsel for a waste energy recovery services client in a PUCO proceeding related to the certification of renewable energy credits. (2024)
  • Serve as Ohio regulatory counsel for a clean energy company client in a Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) Staff investigation and PUCO proceeding. The Staff investigation culminated in a settlement that was approved by the PUCO following extensive review and an evidentiary hearing. (2024)
  • Representing electric utility seeking Public Utilities Commission of Ohio approval of a multi-billion-dollar electric security plan under R.C. 4928.143 or market rate offer under R.C. 4928.142.
  • Representing gas utility client before Illinois Commerce Commission in a rate proceeding, receiving Illinois’ first-ever order approving a gas energy efficiency program.
  • Developed multi-state multi-year rate case strategy for a regional public utility.
  • Representing electric utility in proceedings seeking approval of $250 million Energy Efficiency and Peak Demand Reduction Portfolio Plans mandated by Ohio law.
  • Representing competitive retail electric service provider in proceedings challenging terms of electric utilities’ electric security plans and contesting an electric utility’s need to construct a solar facility to satisfy alternative energy portfolio standards.
  • Assistance in the drafting of legislation authorizing securitization of utility regulatory assets, and representation in regulatory proceedings authorizing an electric utility to securitize its regulatory assets.
  • Obtaining state regulatory commission approval that allowed incumbent carriers to withdraw mandatory yet uneconomic services, saving the utility millions annually.
  • Successfully litigated utility tax overcharge for municipal taxes at the state regulatory commission.

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"Calfee, Halter & Griswold is my go-to law firm, in an emergency as well as for longer-term strategic planning. Their team always gets the job done quickly and efficiently and helps develop creative and effective strategies." 

Calfee client, as reported by U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” report

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