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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 doubled the 2018 basic exclusion amount from $5.6 million per person to $11.18 million per person. In 2023, an individual’s basic exclusion amount is $12.92 million and $25.84 million collectively for a married couple. This high basic exclusion amount means that many individuals will not need to pay an estate tax at death if they die in 2023.

However, on January 1, 2026, the basic exclusion amount is legislatively scheduled to be reduced to $5 million per person adjusted for inflation to an estimated $7 million per person or $14 million collectively for a married couple. This is almost $6 million less per person than today.

Now is the time for individuals with a net worth of $7 million or more and married couples with a net worth of $14 million or more to minimize their estate tax exposure.  


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