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Posts from February 2022.

Website privacy policies have become a standard part of doing business online, and website visitors these days likely expect one. While there is no general federal law requiring a privacy policy (though many states are passing legislation that may require one, and some businesses have privacy requirements through various data-specific federal statutes such as HIPAA, Gramm-Leach Bliley, etc.), it is generally good practice to have such a policy, especially if your business gathers contact information or other sensitive personal data (like credit card information).


Simply stated, insurance policy deductibles or retentions are a dollar threshold that must be satisfied before an insurer will pay any defense or indemnity costs on a claim. Many insureds  seek to contain their insurance premium costs by purchasing policies with substantial six to nine-figure retentions or deductibles. Unsurprisingly, insurers tend to charge lower premiums if the insured is willing to retain more dollar risk for itself through retentions or deductibles. Suffice it to say that both retentions and deductibles are loss-shifting mechanisms, which shift away from the insurer a portion of the loss otherwise covered by an insurance policy.


On Episode 24 of Calfee NOW, Michael Bowen, Associate with Calfee's Government Relations and Legislation practice group, spoke with Chris Berry, President and CEO of OhioX. OhioX is a nonprofit organization that represents and connects those committed to growing Ohio’s economy through technology and innovation.


In an M&A market that remains exceedingly frothy, many would-be buyers in the middle market are being forced to acquire the equity of a target company (rather than its assets) in order for their bids to be competitive. 

Calfee Connections blogs, vlogs, and other educational content are intended to inform and educate readers about legal developments and are not intended as legal advice for any specific individual or specific situation. Please consult with your attorney regarding any legal questions you may have. With regard to all content including case studies or descriptions, past outcomes do not predict future results. The opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of all attorneys and professionals of Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP or its subsidiary, Calfee Strategic Solutions, LLC.

Non-legal business services are provided by Calfee Strategic Solutions, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Calfee, Halter & Griswold. Calfee Strategic Solutions is not a law firm and does not provide legal services to clients. Although many of the professionals in Calfee’s Government Relations and Legislation group and Investment Management group are attorneys, the non-licensed professionals in this group are not authorized to engage in the practice of law. Accordingly, our non-licensed professionals’ advice should not be regarded as legal advice, and their services should not be considered the practice of law.

Updates related to all government assistance/incentive programs are provided with the most current information made available to Calfee at the time of publication. Clarifications and further guidance may be disseminated by government authorities on an ongoing basis. All information should be reaffirmed prior to the submission of any application and/or program participation.


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